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Rob Madigan

Compliance Manager


Reilly Township, Pennsylvania


March 15

An Interview with Rob
What do you do at Liberty?

Depends what day it is. One of the first here and last to leave. Keep things flowing. I’ll come in and open up things. If we have a heavy offtake day I help Andy with loading out product. Then I assist Lance in moving product. I do some computer work mid-morning for compliance. If there’s any troubleshooting on equipment or computers I help there.  I order lime for the week ahead, fill in as needed (scale, lab, managing, scheduling).

Favorite part about the job?

That I work by myself and I am the only one that impacts my work in a positive or negative way.

Where is home now? Where are you from originally? 

Home now is in Pine Grove, PA. I was born in Upper Darby, PA, outside of Phili but my childhood was the whole east coast.  We moved a lot.

What is your background? Work? Education?

I’m a high school graduate. 36 years in the dairy industry. I did everything from loading pallets to director of operations to general manager, compliance, training coordinator.

When you're not working how do you like to spend your time?

I always work, that’s my problem. Usually I sleep. I’m a bit of a workaholic.

What is your favorite meal you've shared as a team? (Because it's all about the food.)

You betcha, everything. I like our burgers. I like when we make burgers.   

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go?

Ireland because Kate wants to see the sheep.  And I’m Irish so why not.

If you could have any super power, what would it be?

I would be able to take someone’s thoughts or memories and put them in to a video.  It would help anyone understand what you are trying to explain.

What lessons have you learned while working at Liberty?

When someone tells you smell, you smell!  I’m used to it. I smell it when I go home.

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